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2023 Impact Report

Inspiring the Future of Our Libraries

A Message of Gratitude

Thank you for standing with us as we work together to advance our Library’s mission. Your generous gift is more than a contribution; it’s an investment in the well-being and enrichment of our community.

Through your support, Kitsap Regional Library can consistently expand its services and offer innovative programming that engages our community in exciting new ways.

Last year, 639 donors gave more than $421,000 to support our library programs and projects. Across our nine locations, Kitsap residents visited their local libraries more than 766,970 times. A staggering 47,500 community members participated in library programs, while cardholders borrowed over 2.5 million items. Additionally, our mobile services team made over 2,970 home visits, and our dedicated library staff hosted more than 2,560 live and virtual programs.

These numbers illustrate the profound impact our Library has on the community, and it’s made possible, in part, through your unwavering support. Thank you for being a driving force behind our Library’s evolution and continued service. We deeply appreciate your love and support.

Our Mission

We proudly support our community by facilitating charitable gifts that advance the Library's mission and vision of inspiring curiosity and connection so that all people have the opportunity to grow, belong, and thrive.

Our Foundation

30 Years Strong

Since its inception in 1993, our Foundation has served to build an inspiring future for our community with you.

Your Library

Making an Impact

Each year we celebrate the positive impact Kitsap Regional Library has had on our community. Through free access to services, resources, programs, and spaces, the Library remains a community cornerstone that supports the growth of a thriving community.


Visits Across

Nine Branches


Library Program


2.5+ Million

Library Items



Home Visits By

Mobile Services


Live & Virtual

Library Programs


Ebook, Audiobook &

Streaming Downloads

Library Initiatives

Making a Difference

Your generous gifts to the Library help us ensure free and equitable access to the programs, projects and resources that inspire our community. You make Kitsap a better place for all.


Through programs like Summer Learning and To the Library, your support has a lasting impact.

Summer Learning

June through August, thousands of kids, teens and adults take on the Library’s annual reading and learning challenges.

By the Numbers

It’s incredible to watch our community come together through the power of learning.


Learning Challenges


Logged Reading Hours


Summer Program & Event Attendees


10-hour Readers


100-hour Readers

I learned sometimes you just have to say to yourself, don't give up! Learn to float before you swim.

Lyra, Age 10


Summer Learning was amazing! I learned that you can stay at the library for many hours and no one kicks you out!

Carys, age 13

Bainbridge Island

Learning Korean went well. My friend and I communicate all of the time! I learned so many new things! Next time I'll challenge myself even more.

Leah, age 14

Sylvan Way

I made the goal to learn Finnish to honor my roots and be able to communicate with my grandmother. I learned that simply trying is a good start, and I should not be afraid to make mistakes.

Sara, age 24

Port Orchard

I learned that I am never too old to try and learn something new. 

Belinda, age 49


To the Library

Since 2007, To the Library has inspired third-grade students to reach for the stars in their lifelong learning journey, and last year, the success of this program was out of this world!

By the Numbers

The impact of the To the Library program cannot be understated, with 125 students choosing to return to the Library with their families after their initial field trip. Wow!


Participating School Districts


To the Library

School Visits


New Library Cards Distributed


Participating Students


Books & Bags Distributed

from a local teacher

From a Local Teacher

My third graders love the To the Library program. Many of my students do not have much experience with the library outside of the school library. They love seeing the library, getting their very own library card, and getting a special gift.


They come to school and tell me about the books they are checking out at the library, with their families. As a teacher, I am thrilled when students are excited about reading.

Kari Davis
Clearcreek Elementary

Community Outreach

  • Your generosity supports the Library’s visibility throughout our community. In 2023, the Library was involved with dozens of different community events and connected with thousands of community members. By having a presence at these events, the Library brings awareness to the library services, resources and spaces that our community depends on.

  • Gifts like yours helped the Library distribute over 10,000 books throughout the community, achieving a significant milestone. By getting books into homes, our Library is not just providing reading material; they’re nurturing a fundamental aspect of literacy. Research consistently shows that access to books at home correlates strongly with improved literacy skills and academic success. Your support directly contributes to this endeavor, empowering families to foster a love for reading and learning within their households.

  • Outreach events throughout Kitsap County help the Library connect with Kitsap residents who may have never used the Library before. By giving a gift to the Foundation, you inspired the fun activities, giveaways and sweet treats that drew in crowds and invited new patrons into our Library family.

Thank You!

We couldn't do this without you. Thank you on behalf of the children, families and adults the Library serves in every corner of our community. Your generosity makes the dreams of our community possible. You inspire us!

Library Support

  • The Foundation provided funding for staff training, including “The Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness” by Ryan Dowd and “Bystander Intervention Training” by Right to Be! Through your generosity, staff members were able to receive this critical training, ensuring they have the tools needed to support the diverse needs of our community.

  • Donations help our branches in meeting patrons’ day-to-day needs and comfort. Your contributions enable us to provide small consumables and special resources, enhancing the overall experience for visitors and ensuring everyone has access to essential resources and materials.

  • With an organization driven by excellence, it is a pleasure and a privilege to be able to recognize and honor Library staff for their ongoing commitment to the Library. As ambassadors of free information, the impact they have on our community cannot be understated.

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